
Chapter Announcements and Updates

PVTU October Meeting. (Zoom Call) With Cory Trego

Guest speaker -  Cory Trego

Date: October 19th, 2020
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Improving brook trout angling through landscape-scale restoration in the Potomac Headwaters”.  

Specifically it is an overview of watershed scale restoration, and will review some of the major drivers of brook trout population loss, as well as discussing some of the stream and watershed restoration techniques that TU and its partners employ in the Potomac to improve brook trout populations.

Cory Trego is a Water Resources Planner at the Chester County Water Resource Authority. In this role, he helps to provide technical analyses, planning assistance, and information relating to Chester County’s water resources to municipal governments, watershed and conservation organizations, and the public. Prior to starting at the CCWRA, he served as the Potomac Headwaters Home River Initiative’s Project Leader with Trout Unlimited, where he worked with a suite of conservation partners to plan and implement a land-scape scale brook trout restoration initiative. He holds a Master’s of Science in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources from West Virginia University and Bachelors of Science in Biology from Lycoming College. While not working to protect and improve the waters of Chester County, he enjoys spending time outdoors fishing, hiking, hunting, and traveling.

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Randy Wolf